COVID-19 Updates
18th January 2022
Covid-19 continues to massively affect the Beauty Industry with the rapid spread of the latest variant. As a result we have decided to condense our working days and times so for the next few weeks our opening times are:
Wednesday 9am-4pm / Thursday 9.30am-2.30pm / Friday 9am-4pm / Saturday 9am-4pm.
We sincerely apologise if this causes any inconvenience.
We will return to normal as soon as is possible.
19th July 2021
The Government has now lifted all remaining social distancing restrictions, however we have decided that we will continue as usual.
We have always had strict hygiene protocols in place but with the onset of Covid, we looked closely at those processes and came up with tighter and more enhanced procedures and routines. These improved processes will remain in place permanently.
We believe that working in a close contact industry, it is wise to wear a mask and so for now, we will continue to do so. It is not mandatory for you to wear one but if you choose to do, we would appreciate it.
Hand sanitiser will remain in the foyer and around the Salon for use by all.
Covid Forms will no longer be sent out prior to an appointment but, as always, we ask that you do not come into the Salon if you have any of the symptoms of Covid.
If you have 'shielding or vulnerable' needs, please contact us to discuss arrangements as we can cater for all.
12th April 2021
Recent industry advice is that where a person has had Covid-19 or the Covid-19 Vaccine, to wait 14 days before having certain treatments
(including Patch Tests).
This is due to heightened sensitivity within the body which means that there is more potential than normal for reactions to occur.
We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause but your health and safety is of paramount importance to us and so we ask that when booking a treatment, please let us know if, and when you have had either Covid-19 or the Covid-19 Vaccine.
If you have any questions or concerns, please either phone us on 0113 2880155 or send a message from here.
5th April 2021
Following yesterday's Government announcement, we shall at long last be re-opening our doors on Tuesday 13th April.
Everything is pretty much as was before. Hygiene and PPE protocols will remain the same and we will continue to send out the Covid Questionnaires before your appointment (see Covid-19 Salon Policy & Client Information below).
22nd February 2021
Yesterday the Government announced their plan for the easing of restrictions and all being well, we may be able to re-open from 12th April. Whilst we welcome this news, we are very cautious about celebrating too soon. We feel they may well change this date if they need to. We think it is probably best to wait until nearer the time to make a booking but if you really do want to, then drop us a message but be prepared for us having to cancel it at the last minute if the re-open date changes.
Rest assured that whenever we do open, as before, all guidelines will be adhered to and strict hygiene protocols will be followed.
If you need any further info, either message us here or on FB or Insta at @cristalbeautyuk, email on or phone us on 0113 2880155 or 07522 384183.